Indy Displays

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Trade Show Marketing For Small Businesses

There Are Many Marketing Challenges For Small Businesses

Small business marketing is an ever changing process that seems to get more complicated each year.  In 2014 there seemed to be a large push for fully automated CRM’s that include online marketing solutions.  The interface design is ideal for small businesses that want to automate all of their online marketing needs.  Do they work?  I have had some great feedback about Infusionsoft, but have had terrible feedback on some of the lower cost alternatives.

Small Businesses Must Remember The Importance Of Trade Shows

Regardless of the latest online marketing trend, most small business can’t afford not to stay relevant with their customer base.  One of the few advantages small businesses can have over their large competitors, is client relationship and service.  Getting face to face with current and future customers is the best way to sell yourself, your product, and why it’s important to choose you over the big guy.  We created a custom trade show marketing for small businesses Infographic that highlights ways for small businesses (like ourselves) to attract trade show attendees.  Tips include pre-show marketing and marketing tips at the trade show.  In addition to the cited resources at the bottom of the Infographic, is another fantastic resource for anything trade show marketing related.

small business trade show marketing infographic