Indy Displays

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Why are people using hanging trade show signs?

Why do we suggest using hanging trade show signs?

The objective of exhibiting at a trade show can vary but generally it is to promote yourself as well as your business, to gain clients, and drive sales.  The objective of the trade show display is to draw people towards your space, to keep them there, and make you look professional and stand out from the crowd.  Adding some depth to your booth space can help attract people into your booth space from the walk way but what if you want to attract people from across the room or conference center?
This is where hanging trade show signs can help you achieve your objectives in a way other products can’t.  You don’t have to worry about sight lines taking away from your brand with a hanging sign.  This also adds another dimension to your trade show display, height.
Once you’ve made the decision to add a hanging sign to your display, you will still need to consider a few things.  What shape will work best with your space and design theme?  What size will you need?  Do you want the capability for the sign to rotate?
We have a variety of shapes to fit all your needs, from a circular design, tapered circular (larger at the top, smaller at the bottom), ellipse oval, three varieties of triangle (regular, tapered, and curved), square, and a curved square design.

Tapered Circular Hanging Signs
Tapered Circular Hanging Sign

The sizes available are different for each shape, but typically come in three different lengths and widths but may vary by product.  The signs can range from 8 – 15 feet long and 14” – 48” tall but will vary by the shape.  These products pack a big punch but are very portable and easy to assemble.
The ultimate luxury is to have a hanging sign that rotates.  Not only will your logo be displayed above your competition, but it will be visible from multiple angles, with a rotation hanging sign, your logo will be visible from nearly anywhere on the trade show floor meaning you won’t have to worry which
Curved Square Hanging Signs
Curved Square Hanging Sign

side your logo is facing.  Exhibitors comment on how the rotation of the hanging sign not only looks great but also draws a lot of attention from prospective clients.  The rotating motor comes in three different sizes to go along with the size of the sign, the larger the sign is the larger the motor capacity needs to be.  No matter the size, the standard rotating speed is 2 RPM.
Companies spend a lot of time and money trying to differentiate themselves from the competition.  Hanging trade show signs are a great way to differentiate yourself from the competition at the perfect time, in front of a large grouping of your top potential clients.
CLICK HERE to visit our Hanging Trade Show Signs page.
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