Indy Displays

Indy Displays is currently in the process of transferring our content from our old website to our new one. If you have any questions about a product, feel free to call us anytime at 833-257-6278

Upload Your Artwork

Upload Your Artwork

Upload Link

We use WeTransfer for you to upload your graphics to us. Please read our Artwork Guidelines below before submitting any graphics to us. All files sent by WeTransfer should be compressed (.sit, .rar, or .zip). Your files can be
uploaded through our website:

Artwork Guidelines

As a starting point, we only receive “High-Quality Print” PDF files from both PC and
Mac software. We recommend exporting files at the “High-Quality Printing” setting.
Before exporting your file as a PDF, convert all text to outlines and embed all images.
Include a screenshot or .jpg proof for content verification.

If you are not able to generate a “High-Quality Print” PDF, we accept the following
software-generated file formats:

  • Photoshop (.PSD) – Include all layers, paths, channels, links, and fonts.
  • Illustrator (.AI) – Convert text to outlines, including all linked images (do not embed images).
  • InDesign and QuarkXpress – NOT recommend for large printing. We only except “High-Quality Printing” PDF (.PDF) files generated from these programs.


Artwork templates in PDF format for all graphics sizes can be downloaded on our website within the product’s page, or by contacting your sales representative.


The best results are achieved when the resolution of the images are between 72-125
DPI at final print size (full size). Images submitted at higher than 125 DPI will create
larger file sizes without any visible gain in print quality.


All colors must be defined in CMYK. If converted from RGB to CMYK significant color
changes can occur, please proof your colors prior to submission. Pantone Spot Colors
may be requested, but exact color matches are not always possible. Reference
printouts will be considered for layout only, not as actual color reference. If a color
layout can not be sent, include a .jpg, .pdf (screen optimized) or screen shot file. Clearly
mark filename as”proof”. For black use (Process Black).